
Why I’ll Never Stop Traveling

A few days ago I wrote a post about why California will never stop calling me home. While this is true, not even California can keep me from hitting the road whenever possible. My first true travel experience was a six week study abroad program in Barcelona, Spain. The program was very structured and I […]


Cali Swag: Why Home Will Never Stop Calling

California just about has it all. I know most people have a soft spot in there heart for the place they’re from and why shouldn’t they? Their beloved family and friends are there, their favorite food spot is close by, and it’s “amazing at [this or that] time of year,” but California is, well, different. […]


English in Southeast Asia and a Second Language

In Southeast Asia, English is king. Obviously, each country speaks their respective native language(s) and a traveler should definitely take time to learn the basics like “hello” and “thank you”, but English can now be found just about everywhere, whether it be written or verbal. I realize this is exaggerated along the popular traveler routes, […]


The Red, Orange and Green: 7-11s in Asia

In Asia, there is a particular store that is a godsend, or I should say, an America-send. 7-11. It’s a small piece of American business savvy in Asia that you can always rely on when you’re a backpacker in need. What need you might ask? Well that depends on in what situation you find yourself. Sometimes, or more […]


A Day’s Spending in Hong Kong

Hong Kong isn’t a budget travelers paradise, not even close. It’s a modern city with an emphasis on spending. A small flat can cost more than a house in California, and real estate on Victoria Peak (overlooking the city) is some of the most costly on the planet. Having said that It’s possible to get […]


So What’s Your Plan?

I am constantly asked this question when I tell people I quit my job and am leaving for Asia. Problem is, I sort of hate it because I’m not really sure how to answer it. I don’t really have a set plan.