nikon d5100

My Travel Gear

Travel gear yay! Here is what I recommend and why I think you’d love it too. I put plenty of thought into my decisions so that you can save some time and just buy what I got… or not. Up to you. Exofficio Boxer Briefs If you take away nothing else from this post, take […]


Five Months Abroad: A Status Update

I’ve never actually done a full update on my status and that of the blog, but after 5 solid months on the road (Jan 9th start date), I’m thinking there’s no better time to start than now. A lot has been happening of late, so here goes nothing: First off, here’s a quick summary of […]


Bangkok’s Copycat Problem: I Visit the Museum of Counterfeit Goods

At first, I thought it was amusing. You could find a copy of anything. Do be honest, the fake item was probably easier to locate than the genuine one. Any street market could take care of all your needs. Ray-Ban sunglasses? Check. A slick new pair of Vans? The Lonely Planet of your next destination? […]


The Sungai Kolok Border Crossing from Thailand to Malaysia

Crossing the Sungai Kolok border into Malaysia was rather uneventful, but for a place that has had a history of violence between the Muslim minority and the ruling Buddhist majority, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. While I was hesitant at first, especially after seeing all the machine-gun wielding guards pacing back and forth through […]


The Best of Ancient Bagan

A random list of bests I decided to compile on Bagan, Myanmar (Burma) Best Plan Avoid the midday heat. Go for sunrise and visit a few more temples in the AM before returning to town and the comfort of your A/C hotel room. It starts to cool off by about 4, so head back out […]


Why I Built the Ultimate Asian Backpacker Currency Converter

I know, I know. There are a thousand currency converters out there. Big ones, small ones, dedicated sites, phone apps, widgets for your sidebar. There are a ton, I know, so why did I spend my time building a new one? Simply put, most of them just suck and none of them fit my needs […]

road to serendipity beach

A Backpacker’s City Guide to Sihanoukville Cambodia

Sihanoukville is Cambodia’s up and coming beach town. It’s development is fast paced and within a few years, we’ll see which direction this city on the beach takes. There are glimpses of the parties of Koh Phi Phi and the laid back lifestyle of Si Phan Don, but there are also relatively untouched islands off […]