
Short Stories from the Road #2: Hunting “Defenseless” Pufferfish

This is story #2 in my Short Stories from the Road series. Introduction found here “You think I’m pretty?” Tom, our Lao guide asked as we all looked on in confusion. “…without any makeup on!!!” His rendition of Katy Perry left us all shaking our heads and smiling. It’s all we could do. This would […]

Mac Bar

The Real Answer to the Question “What was your favorite place?”

When people hear about my trip to Southeast Asia, the first question out of their mouth is, “What was your favorite place?” Now anyone who has gone on an extended traveling spree will understand that that question is basically impossible to answer. How can you sum up such a large portion of your life and […]

Kwang Si Waterfall Luang Prabang

Backpacker’s Daily Budget in Laos

Laos was the third country I visited on my Southeast Asia trip and one of my favorites (however bad the internet might be). After the dirt cheap prices of Northern Thailand, daily expenses were slightly higher than I was accustomed too, or would have liked, and many other backpackers agreed, but having said that, Laos […]


Why I Built the Ultimate Asian Backpacker Currency Converter

I know, I know. There are a thousand currency converters out there. Big ones, small ones, dedicated sites, phone apps, widgets for your sidebar. There are a ton, I know, so why did I spend my time building a new one? Simply put, most of them just suck and none of them fit my needs […]


Lao Soccer Turned Shotgun Lessons

This is a continuation of a previous post: I Thought Wrong: A Serious Game of Lao Soccer Covered in salty crusted sweat, I didn’t exactly feel like heading for a drink, but I didn’t see much choice in the matter either and hey, I was in Laos. Tom also assured me I could wash up […]


I Thought Wrong: A Serious Game of Lao Soccer

“Yea, sure. It’s good. We meet here around five o’clock tomorrow.” Tom had been our guide on our our three day trek through the Lao wilderness. Now, he was agreeing to play soccer with us the next day. “I’ll tell my friends,” he added. “Awesome,” we thought. It would be nice to get out there […]


The Dinner Invite

“You want some?” I was taken off guard. Austin and I had just walked outside of our guesthouse bedroom about to explore the small Northern Lao town of Nong Khiaw. I looked up. A Lao man sat on a raised platform next to a low lying bamboo table with a spread of food on it. […]


The Food of Laos

From making my own Laap to eating off banana leaves in the middle of the jungle, I never grew tired of the food of Laos.